Nasce negli Stati Uniti nel 1986. Si laurea in Tuba presso l’Università nel 2004 presso la Lawrence University del Wisconsin, dal 2008 al 2010 frequenta un master in Tuba presso la Yale University e attualmente frequenta il dottorato in Tuba presso la Northwestern University. Dal 2008 al 2010 insegna Tuba e Euphonium all’Università di Yale. Partecipa a numerosi festival e concorsi nazionali e internazionali dove si classifica sempre tra i finalisti tra i quali il Concorso Internazionale Leonardo Falcone, il Concorso Internazionale di Tuba e Euphonium e il Concorso della Northwestern University. Dal 2008 al 2010 suona come tuba principale nella Yale Philarmonia. Tra il 2010 e il 2011 suona con la Korean Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra e nel Yale Brass Quintet. Attualmente suona con la New World Simphony ed è membro associato della Chicago Civic Orchestra.
She was born in the United States in 1986. She graduated in tuba at the Lawrence University of Wisconsin in 2004. From 2008 to 2012 she attended a tuba masterclass at Yale University and she is currently attending the Tuba PhD at the Northwestern University. From 2008 to 2010 she taught tuba at Yale University. She has taken part in several festivals as well as in national and international competitions including the International Competition “Leonardo Falcone”, The Tuba and Euphonium International Competition and the Competition of the Northwestern University where she was placed among the finalists. In 2010 and 2011 she played with the Korean Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra and the Yale Brass Quintet. She is now playing with the New World Symphony and she is associate member of the Chicago Civic Orchestra.
Nasce in Francia nel 1991. Studente al Conservatorio Superiore di Musica di Parigi nella classe del m° Gerard Buquet. Dal 2009 al 2010 insegna come professore di Tuba al CRC di Vendin-le-Vieil. Insegna alla Scuola Associata di Musica di Clary dal Settembre 2009. Partecipa al Festival de l’Eppau au Mans con l’Orchestra Les Siècles. Ha suonato con la Paris Brass Band e la Brass Band delle Fiandre. Ha suonato sotto la direzione del m° Takashi Kondo con l’Orchestra Sostenuto. Ha suonato in diverse occasioni con l’Orchestra dei Diplomati del Conservatorio Superiore di Musica di Parigi. È membro dell’Ensemble De Profundis. Partecipa a concorsi nazionali ottenendo in più di un’occasione il secondo premio.
He was born in France in 1991. He studied at the Conservatory of Paris in the class of Prof. Gerard Buquet. From 2009 to 2010 he taught tuba at the CRC in Vendin-le-Vieil. He has been teaching at the Associate Music School of Clary since September 2009. He took part in the Festival de l’Eppau au Mans with the Les Siècles Orchestra. He has played with the Paris Brass Band and the Brass Band of the Flanders. He has played with the Sostenuto Orchestra conducted by m° Takashi Kondo. He has played with the Graduated Orchestra of the Conservatory of Paris several times. He is one of the members of the De Profundis Ensamble. He has participated in national competitions where he was awarded the second prize.
Nasce nel 1990 in Belgio in una famiglia di musicisti e suona la tuba dall’età di dieci anni. Partecipa a diversi concorsi nazionali e internazionali piazzandosi tra i vincitori al Concorso “Principessa Cristina” in Olanda nel 2006, al Concorso “Dexia Classics” in Belgio nel 2008 e al Concorso d’interpretazione musicale “Ville d’Avray-Paris” in Francia nel 2011. Suona abitualmente con la Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Bayreuth ma suona anche come sostituto presso importanti orchestra quali la Residentie Orkest Den Haag in Olanda, l’Opera Royal de Wallonie e la Filarmonica di Bruxelles in Belgio. Dal 2008 prosegue i suoi studi musicali presso il Conservatorio di Maastricht nel classe del prof. Hans Nickel, tuba solista della WRD Symphony Orchestra di Colonia. Attualmente è tuba dell’ensemble per ottoni “Ensemble de Cuivres de Belgique” e nel “Belgian Brass”. Con il quintetto “Eburon” ha recentemente vinto il primo premio al Concorso Internazionale di Musica da Camera di Lione in Francia nell’Aprile del 2012.
He was born in Belgium in 1990 into a musicians’ family in a Region which knows how to preserve the rich heirtage of wind bands. Jean Xhonneux has been playing the tuba since he was 10 years old. Laureate of the “Princes Christina Concours” (2006 – The Netherlands), the “Dexia Classics” (2008 – Belgium) and the “Concours International d’Interpretation Musical de la Ville d’Avray-Paris (2011 – France), he has also participated in many other competitions both in Luxembourg and in Germany. Jean enjoys playing with young Symphonic Orchestra (Bayreuth) but he also does replacements for professional orchestras like the Residentie Orkest Den Haag (Netherlands), the Opera Royal de Wallonie (Belgium), the Orchestre Royal Philarmonique de Liege (Belgium), the Theatre Royal de la Monnaie (Belgium), the Limburgs Symphonie Orkest and the Brussels Philarmonic (Netherlands). Since 2008 he has pursued his musical studies at the Conservatory of Maastricht (Netherlands) in the class of Prof. Hans Nickel, Solo Tuba at the WDR Symphony Orchestra in Köln (Germany). Jean is currently player of the Brass Ensemble “Ensemble de Cuivres de Belgique” and “Belgium Brass”. With his brass quintet “Eburon”, he won the First prize and the “Bayer” Prize at the “Concours International de Musique de Chambre de Lyon” (April 2012 – France).